Transforming Metal Trade:
Our Services and Materials




We facilitate the process of purchasing and supplying for the scrap metal industry. Our ability to adapt to the needs of our business partners allows us to provide a seamless experience for all involved.


Our in-house logistics operations team handles all the complexities between our suppliers and our clients, offering a range of solutions to ease the process of exporting and importing goods globally. 


Our experienced traders have a deep understanding of the market, allowing us to provide expert guidance and competitive pricing, connecting our supplier base with our clients according to their needs. 

Products and Materials

  • Copper

    Copper is the third most consumed metal in the world, with over 20 million tons produced annually. It is used in a variety of industries, including construction, transportation, and electronics, and is highly valued for its excellent electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance.

  • Aluminum

    Aluminum is the second most used metal in the world after steel, with over 60 million tons produced annually. It is widely used in the transportation and construction industries due to its lightweight and corrosion resistance, and is also highly valued for its high recyclability.

  • Brass

    Worldwide brass production is estimated to be around 3.5 million tons per year. It is commonly used in plumbing fixtures, musical instruments, and decorative hardware due to its excellent acoustic properties and aesthetic qualities.

  • Lead

    Worldwide lead production is around 5 million tons per year, with the majority used in batteries, ammunition, and construction.

  • Zinc

    Worldwide zinc production is around 14 million tons per year, with the majority used in galvanizing, die casting, and batteries. It is highly valued for its anti-corrosive properties and versatility in various industries.

  • Nickel

    Worldwide nickel production is around 2 million tons per year, with the majority used in stainless steel production, batteries, and electronics. Its unique properties make it essential in specialized applications, and it is highly valued for its scarcity and high demand in various industries.

  • Mixed Metals

    Mixed metals, such as those found in motors, sealed units, transformers, and electronics, contain a variety of valuable metals. These materials can be recycled and repurposed for use in other applications and are essential in reducing waste and promoting sustainability in the metal industry.

  • Steel

    Worldwide steel production is around 1.8 billion tons per year, making it the most produced metal in the world. It is used in a wide variety of industries, including construction, transportation, and industrial manufacturing, due to its strength and versatility.

Products and Materials
Mixed Metals

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